
copybook art direction Version 1 - Jessica Thomas


  1. I wanted to start the design as clean and minimal as possible & then build onto the art direction if needed, since the copy is what this campaign is all about.


  2. Hey I love love the design of the napkins. My only concern with the first napkin was the copy. I feel like that copy doesn't really connect to the brand (The Copy Book). It can be for any creative type product, i think. I also feel like I have seen it before. The copy in the second napkin works though. So, maybe re-look at copy for the first napkin?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. thanks for the comment, but that concerns copy...

    What I need to know is if I'm going in the right direction art wise when it comes to the look at feel.

  5. I really like your designs, its nice and clean while still maintaining interest

  6. A few comments:

    - On the napkins, be consistent with how you're treating the text. There are quite a few things going on within a relatively small area: italics, bold, all caps, sentence case… Choose no more than two stylistic options and make it consistent on each side of the napkin.

    - Print: This is getting there, but I miss the white of the napkin. I'd like to see an option with a white background as well. The same thing that was going on with the napkin text is also happening here. There are many styles in just one headline. Try simplifying it a bit.

    - You need to either show the copy book or say it -- otherwise this is just an ad for D&AD.
