

This is our team's Oxfam print ads. I did the 3rd one but didn't use Helvetica font as in other 2 ads because I didn't see it works well for this 3rd one. So I did 2 versions for 2 others so that you guys can compare and give me the feedback. The first version is without Helvetica font. And the second is with Helvetica.

This is my 3rd one, and 2 print ads without using Helvetica font.

here is another version that there is Helvetica font usage there.

Pls help me if you see any typo. Thank you :)

1 comment:

  1. I agree on the Helvetica issue. However, the light serif makes the negative space between the U and Y even larger. They're tough letterforms to get "right" so why do that one at all? Why not make another word larger or centered?

    If you're bucking deadline at this point, so concentrate on the logo lockup. The tag seems like it was just stacked there and not given the attention that the headline was. What did it look like when you put "Your charitable" together on one line above "Wingman" ?? -Roger
