
Copybook: web/favicon/napkins - Jess T.

still working on purgatory.


  1. on the buy page: The "math" might be right, but the copy looks too close to the edge. It's an illusion because of the graphic on the opposite side of the image. Skootch it over a few points.

    I like how you are tying in the color. Why not the typography? -Roger

  2. Gold is looking much better on the site.
    On grab 1, the first line of copy is way longer than the others -- please correct this in the art direction.
    Grab 2: Too much leading and not enough distinction between 'are you worthy' and first question. Grid looks better now that it's all connected.
    Grab 3: The headline at the top should be broken earlier (the one line is far too long). Try putting 'you are selling' copy in sentence case. 'Hotdog' is too close to the edge. Move the grid over more (you've got extra space before 'challenge' anyway).

    Think it should be 'grader' on the napkin.
    Love the feather -- you could also use this on the intro slide of your campaign.
