
Hello! + 2 New Briefs + Kickstarter Overview

Tuesday 7-10 Section,

Firstly, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Jeet Desai and I am an Account Planner. I am currently enrolled in Wednesday's section of this class.

There are two new briefs this week - one for www.Kickstarter.com and one for John Deere (http://www.deere.com/en_US/deerecom/index.html). You have to choose one brief!
I will be working with you if you choose to do a campaign on Kickstarter and Sarah Tyler (the other account planner) will be working with you if you choose John Deere.

I have written the creative brief for Kickstarter.com. Just scroll down to see it!

Brief Overview on Kickstarter:

Kickstarter.com is a website that helps someone "fund and follow creativity."

What does this mean? - This simple means that a person who has a new/innovative idea for a product or service can post a video describing their idea (with the ultimate goal of raising money to manufacture/sell it). Other people can then view the video, and if they like the idea they can donate money to help produce/sell it.

For example, if you look at this video it might help you get a better understanding - http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/glyphobet/mathematicians-dice?ref=discover_pop
(His idea was mathematician dice and his goal was to raise $2,200 to mass produce it. You can see that he successfully raised the money because a lot of people liked his idea. He raised a total of $15,434. If he hasn't raised $2,200 the people who donated would not have been charged. So basically, this helps the website filter out the not-so-good ideas.)

I recommend watching a few more projects to get a better understanding of the website and how they operate. I hope that also gives you some creative inspiration.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me via e-mail - jeetdesai37@gmail.com
I am also willing to meet-up with anyone who needs help. Just email me 2 or 3 days in advance if you would like to meet-up. Otherwise, e-mail or gchat is a good way to get a hold of me. Thanks! :)


  1. Kat and I will also work on Kickstarter. I've never heard of this site before and I have to admit it is very interesting. Good choice, Jeet.
