
Oxfam first 50 - JP LeRoux

So after reading the critique on the 50 for the Copy book I think that I need to take the same advice on these, but I wanted to post what I already have to see if any are heading in the right direction. I'll just keep working for every wrong one hopefully I'm getting closer to another that works.

Also Thuy and I had an idea bridging the gap between the posters and facebook in an iPhone application when you see the poster a QR code takes you to where you can buy the application. For a five dollar donation you can buy the “what’re they into app” This works as a conversation starter based off of the list of different charitable topics associated with Oxfam. You click which one you want like "world hunger" and donate a dollar to it. This buys you a conversation topic. In short bullet points it gives you things to talk about like “did you know that food prices have doubled in the last year.” So now even if you aren’t the most knowledgeable about world issues you can at least fake it while helping out at the same time.


1. Girls like guys who are charitable.

2. Chicks like charity.

3. The difference between you and your boss: you donate some time each week teaching kids how to read, he takes up two parking spots.

4. Being a good person isn’t defined by the type of car you drive, but if you donate now we can overlook the last few cars that you cut off.

5. Being a complete slob isn’t so bad when you also read to underprivileged children every week.

6. Your friends Gucci bags are never going to look as good as you helping to feed starving children.

7. It’s ok to be a little bad when you are doing something so good. (In a danceclub)

8. When you go home for a reunion be the one that everyone’s talking about, you don’t have a job, or a girlfriend, and no plans for the future; but you do help feed starving children every week

9. Convincing your mom that playing videogames all day is a productive lifestyle is easy when you can tell her that you also are tutoring poor youths.

10. Telling girls that you teach kids to read in your spare time works as well as carrying around a puppy just with less poop to clean up.

11. You have no skills outside of xBox achievements but at least you can put helping teach kids to read on your resume.

12. When you can only identify wine as being red or white, have something else to talk about like how you help prevent conflicts in emerging countries. (grocery store)

13. Impress her with a five dollar donation dinner and a movie is going to cost at least 20.

14. Your smug scorn means nothing to me Mr. Barista, I read to children in third world countries. Make me my iced foam low-fat caramel macchiato again without the attitude or cinnamon this time.

15. All celebrities are involved in different causes, start your path to stardom by helping out a charity today.

16. I help feed starving children over the weekend, I’m allowed to be an asshole through the rest of the week.

17. When it matters how large your social circle is, just say that you have friends in Africa that you read to every weekend.

18. First impression re-do, make anyone forget the wrinkled shirt, the stained tie, and bad breath after you tell them that you read to kids in Africa. Please do something about the breath though.

19. It feels good to help teach children how to read, it feels better when you get to brag to all your friends that that’s what you do in your time off.

20. Charity and bragging rights, show your friends how much you care by posting your donations on facebok.

21. You’ve always been told that it’s what’s on the inside that counts, well now you can post how good of a person you are on the inside, all over your facebook wall.

22. You don’t have a job, sit on the couch all day, and turned your shirt inside out to cover the stains. Why should you help out Oxfam? Because when you can say that you are helping to teach underprivileged kids how to read no one notices any of that other stuff.

23. Making her look past your lack of income and see your inner good side.

24. Give your mom something to brag to her friends about, donate today.

25. A way to make the infomercials about starving children go away without having to get off the couch.

26. There’s a fine line between a selfless and a selfish good deed, as long as you donate we really don’t care.

27. Even if you punch kittens for a living, sleep well at night knowing you did some good today.

28. The whole day isn’t wasted if you take the time to help underprivileged kids learn to read, now go back to watching bad reality tv.

29. You are a professional air guitarist, who also teaches kids how to read, there doesn’t that sound better?

30. Spending your time trolling chatrooms looks better next to helping to educate the people of Sudan.

31. Even if your day doesn’t start until 2pm it’s a day not wasted if you help to educate people in south America.

32. Tell your mom that your next dateless night spent at home on your couch eating ice cream you also taught kids how to read.

33. The feeling that you have done something good, with the absolute bare minimum effort required.

34. Show that you want to help save the rainforest without growing dreadlocks and participating in a drum circle.

35. Appease your inner college freshman, just because you work in an office and wear a suit doesn’t mean that you’ve sold out. You still can take the time to help educate women in Pakistan.

36. You never listened to your mom when she told you that there were starving children in India, show her how wrong she is, they are in Pakistan and you helped buy them a goat.

37. You may never roll like a celebrity but now you can at least donate like one.

38. Match your uncut hairstyle and your coffee shop ideals with actual concern for what happens to farmers in Indonesia.

39. You, you with the coffee, how about a matching cup of inflated self esteem that comes with helping someone less fortunate than you.

40. Even if you aren’t genuinely interested in people, you can always help save the rainforest.

41. Show that you have global experience without having to get out of your chair.

42. People spend less than 60 seconds looking at your resume, best to include the charity work you do in big bold words, they might not even notice your lack of relevant experience.

43. People are always interested to hear about world issues and the good that you are doing, and if they aren’t they will fake an interest because they don’t want to sound like a jerk.

44. Equal out your guilt you may have ordered extra butter but at least you are helping someone plant more crops for next season.

45. The best thing you can do when you can’t help yourself is to help someone else. (Outside of some indulgence store Ice cream shop, Liquor store, Doughnut bakery.)

46. Just because having kids may be the last thing on your mind right now, doesn’t mean that you can’t take a second to help someone learn how to read. (in a dance club)

47. Your highschool reunion is going to come up sooner than you think, If you need some last minute life affirmation try educating impoverished women or feeding starving children both are more interesting than you selling printers online.

48. Providing you with an instant feeling of self achievement.

49. Ranch flavored corn nuts are just great, but some people in this world would be happy just to have some corn.

50. Put down that singletini and give a charitable donation you could be a cosmopolitan instead of just drinking them. (in a bar)

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