
Umbro Facebook 3rd round


  1. Please give me some suggestions.
    I still working on umbro web TV.

  2. For the 'like' page, go REALLY big and bold with the text. Be consistent with the font you use in this and the videos. The black box behind the text just feels rushed. You need to really put your typographer's hat on and rock that font!

    Here are two sites that perhaps can give you some inspiration, though not a specific direction:


    Let the text dominate your page. It's way more important than any image you've got on the 'like' page. If the images are distracting you, remove them and go for a typographic solution.

    On the social red card examples, the post-it and pin is not working. This is a completely different direction and doesn't connect at all to the idea of a social red card. Again, design an actual card and have the typography stand out.

    I know you're rushed to get this in, but if you want it to have a fighting chance, you can't overlook the typography and art direction.

    Both current solutions (on the like and red card pages) appear like rushed solutions. Slow down. Breathe. Get inspired. Then go back and redesign these.

  3. I did want to add that the images you've selected that will get red-carded are good. But the red card itself needs help. Does this make sense?
