
Umbro-Landing Page


  1. At the top is Marina's version. I took that gave it a go, adding texture and moving type around, then wanted to include a possible alternative color scheme.

  2. I noticed that 'penalty' is smaller than social. Which makes it seem like 'social' is more important... I would just make them the same size.

    For the third one I would change the red type to a light gray color.

    I do think the red and yellow ones are more eye catching than the gray, however all I can think about is McDonalds. So if you guys were to keep the yellow and red I think you should use different colors of the same hue.

  3. I don't think McD's b/c of the flag motif, but the hue could change and not loose the flag archetype. I also want to see the baseline flush with the square.
