
Kickstarter: Radio: Line Options

MAN        But today will be the day when your luck will turn around.

SFX    Chorus Hallelujah!

MAN        Today is a new day and those sleepless nights will be worth it. Today will be the                difference between failure and success.

SFX    Cha-ching!

MAN        Kickstarter.com. They’ll make you believe.

ALTERNATIVES to the bold

1. Today will be the day your eye stops twitching from the stress, all because of the video you put on Kickstarter.com.

2. Today all those sleepless nights will pay off. Today the entire nation will know why your lights were still on at 3am.

3. Today, your neighbor will finally know why your lights were still on at 4am when you didn’t have to be at work until 10.

4. Tonight your head will finally get re-acquainted with your pillow, all because Kickstarter.com sent your dream world wide.

5. Today the world will wake up to find out that Kickstarter.com is supporting your project, and now they can too.

6. Because today your dream is no longer just in your head. Thanks to Kickstarter.com the world now knows.

Kickstarter.com. Helping people like you bring their dreams to life.

7. All because today, Kickstarter.com posted your video idea for the world to see.

8. Today Kickstarter.com showed their support by posting your video for the world to see.

9. Because last night Kickstarter.com posted your idea on their website, and today everyone will be able show their support.

10. Because thanks to Kickstarter.com the world will finally see what you’re capable of.

11. Today, those sleepless nights will finally be worth it because thanks to Kickstarter.com you’ll get the funding for your latest project that you’ve been waiting for.

Kickstarter.com. Helping fund the dreams of people like you.

12. Today, those sleepless nights will finally be worth it. Because thanks to Kickstarter.com and the millions of people who visited their website, you’re getting  the funding for your project that you’ve been waiting for.

Kickstarter.com. Be the catalyst for change.

13. Thanks to Kickstarter.com you were given the opportunity to show the world your project, and you are finally getting the funding you need to get it off the ground.

Kickstarter.com. The catalyst for change.

14. Kickstarter.com approved the video you submitted to get your project funded and now the world can see it. 

More to come.

1 comment:

  1. Love the idea of 'sending your dream worldwide.' See if you can't come up with more options for the front of the sentence.

    Also like the idea of 'taking your dreams out of your head' and 'Today all those sleepless nights will pay off.'

    You could also explore almost a mantra for the people who keep their lights on till 3am...

    Some of these sound almost political: Be the catalyst for change. Stick with the above (get into the meat of the lines faster) and please crank out some more.
