

Hi guys,

this is the icon for Susie Homemaker of target resident. I will execute some sure icons for the others, but there are some we still need to wait for the approval from teacher.
So could you pls give me the feedback about:
- shape of the pie (with lines for the topping or apple pie)
- the background color you want to choose

i kind of like the background without borders, my favorite is 1B (blue background)


  1. Super cute Thuy!!

    I prefer the second set of icons (the orange background ones without the border) 3B, 4B, 1B, 2B

    I think it'd be interesting if we used both orange and blue backgrounds for our icons to mix it up a bit.

  2. I like the borders, to me they just seem more complete, but hey it may look different on the actual website. D3 and D4 would have to be my favorite on both pages. If you guys do want to do different color backgrounds i would say lts go with Jeet's idea of different backgrounds for the residents and neighborhoods

  3. I prefer the blue over the orange. The orange seems a lil too bright imo.

    A4 is my fav (blue background) followed by C3 and C4
