
He-Wax Creative Brief


Encourage women to take their man to the spa (Blissworld) with them to get “he-waxed.”


Women with boyfriends or husbands (who have more than just a little unwanted hair).


Evolve your man.


It’s no longer 30,000 BC. For the modern man, the Neanderthal look is out.

A modern man is a diversified multicultural postmodern deconstructionist. He is a supportive bonding nurturing primary care giver, who is feeling, healing, caring, and sharing. He is an alpha male on beta-blockers, laid back but fashion forward.

He-wax makes your man look, and more importantly, feel like a man of the modern millennium.


  1. Definition of Modern Man inspired by George Carlin's definition:

  2. hahaha I can't wait to work on this! This is for our class right?

  3. So this is looking fun. I was hoping for more support why women would want men to get waxed. The support seems male oriented. Is it all about perception making their man look hairless in public, is it a feeling skin > hair, what's the support from the female perspective?

  4. lol so have you ever heard a girl complain about the toilet seat being up? No girl wants to deal with that stuff and guys are typically given a free pass by society to "be manly" burp and what not. Manscaping is the next step after toilet seat training in getting your man to being a cultured individual.

    Girls spend hours getting ready care about how they look, act in public, often for themselves but also for their man. Getting your guy to go with you to the salon not only gives the literal affect of being aesthetically aware, it implies that they care enough about their partner to take care of themselves. Does any of this make sense?

    Basically the concept Jeet is referring to is the holy grail of man so by taking your man to Bliss for a he wax you are helping im get ne step closer.

  5. RIGHT. JP - the idea behind it is that Women want Modern Men. Women don't want neanderthals. Women want their man to be emotional, confident, supportive, caring, and more importantly to treat them as equals.

    I am currently working on an insight report for this which will hopefully help you better understand this strategy. It may seem like its directed to men, but its actually directed to women telling them that he-wax is the first step to help evolve their men.
