
umbro facebook page

I will fix the Facebook template and blur all personal information later.

4.This is the page for Umbro Video.
3.This is the page you can tag your friend.

2.This is the page after people hit 'like'

1.This is the page that suggest people to like Umbro group.


  1. Both the posterized look and typography is not working. You need a quick fix art direction change. Also, proofread (there's a 'then' where there should be a 'they') in the last one. This is a great idea but the art direction really needs a kick.

  2. umm, posterized look may not work, do you have any suggestions for that? what kind of look is better?

  3. Shoot something on your own. Make it feel like it belongs to you only. Or- Maybe you need to illustrate this instead? Then carry the elements over to the rest of the campaign. -R
