
Umbro 'A Frame' - Gallery Ad

We were able to re-shoot this ad again. Editing it took me waaay longer than I thought it would. I would have posted it sooner otherwise! I think its a lot better than our previous effort.
I used a lot of fast cuts! Hope you like it :)

Is the sound editing good? Song okay?

Would appreciate feedback on the ad. Thank you.

Direct Link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTdYeKkq1gE


  1. I think it is a big improvement over the last version. The beginning with the guys though the cuts are really short. I agree that quicker cuts are the way to go but I think that the quick succession of cuts with the group of guys gets a little erratic. It becomes distracting you forget about the fact that Ashley is standing out of frame. Time isn't a problem could you try extending a couple of cuts to be a second or two long maybe eliminate one too.

  2. Like it alot!!!!! yay! i would just ad a shot of Ashley looking over in either the guys talking and pointing section or in the warm up section so we dont forget shes there :)

  3. MUCH better! I agree with the comments above that it does feel a little guy-centric in the intro and the viewer tends to lose sight of the girl's character. Maybe you can cut a couple guy shots before the warm-up begins.

    Also, I agree with Sarah that a shot of the girl looking over at some point would be ideal.

  4. Maybe add a shot of the girl before main character begins working out (to allude to who he's looking at). Also, in the very intro, after you show the establishing shot of the girl, perhaps a close up there would be good so we see her face and can better identify her later in the spot. Make sense?
