
Umbro - Pub Spot

Direct Link - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcEmAwbEQYM

Here is the polished rough cut. Would really appreciate some feedback on it! Is the sound editing okay? I'm having a hard time with it. Should there be soft music in the background? etc. As far as the cuts go, I tried cutting a lot to increase the pacing.

As far as copy for the ad, do you think we need to add a headline to make the add clearer? Also please note that the last 2 text frames will be properly art directed for the next cut. Thanks :)


  1. Great job! The filming is much better here.

    One issue: When first two actors are touching the ground, it's confusing (around 22 seconds in) because you can't see what they're doing. Do you have another shot of this?

    Warm up your social life needs more typographic direction. And the slide at the end is too much. Is this in final form? Do you need critique on that or is it placeholder at this point?

    I would definitely have the song that is at the end play throughout. Music could give the whole piece a bit more balance.

  2. One more thought -- we still don't know that you're advertising shoes. Maybe VO at the end when 1350 slide comes in?

  3. I agree withtehe 22sec comment form Megan. have a differnt shot?

    I LOVE the quick cuts. They're 2000% better than before. You just need more of them. A little back and forth between the friends, cuts of touching the ground, etc. Even if you re-sue shots, they need to be a little fast. Cut a few seconds of footage as a reference for yourself with three cuts within a second. Take a look at how that increases tension.

  4. Okay, thanks. I'll see what I can do.

    As far as the text frames they are just placeholder for the time being. Marina will be designing it. Do you recommend adding a picture of the shoe in the last slide with text that says, Umbro 'A Frame'

  5. Something has got to say "this is for shoes" on it. Even if it's just the shoe logo at the end, like Nike or Adidas. -R
