
Triumph Headlines

Just wanted to show where I'm at with Triumph, looking to see if this route is working.


1. As a pack of hogs passes you smile at the thought you don’t have to wear a uniform.
2. No beard required.
3. Some people don’t like leather.
4. Get out of the tree house meetings and ride.
5. No one wants to ride a pig.
6. You don’t have to raise your hand this isn’t grade school. (image of bike with raised handlebars.)
7. Kids shouldn’t point to you and say Santa.
8. A unique ride means you don’t have to pay membership dues.
9. Just because you ride, people shouldn’t think that you have grandchildren.
10. Some people like keeping their tattoos hidden.

1. You spent your life becoming an adult why would you get back on a kids bike?
2. Do you drink milk and play with GI Joes too?
3. Your ride shouldn’t be described as dainty.
4. Accessories shouldn’t include a basket.
5. Do you really want your paintjob matching your girlfriend’s lipstick?
6. Isn’t the whole point of owning a bike to get out of town, not be stuck in one?
7. Go carts were fun too.
8. Do you want some streamers to put on your handlebars?
9. You look like a Ping-Pong ball.
10. Something is wrong when your seat is bigger than your wheels.

Crotch Rockets:
1. Spare parts. (image of someone doing something stupid, maybe with no helmet passing in between cars)
2. Leave sitting on a rocket to cartoons.
3. It never worked out when trying to catch the roadrunner.
4. 0 to 180 in seconds is suicide.
5. Like giving a child a bazooka.
6. Some people aren’t built like ninjas.
7. Where’s your sword?
8. If falling headfirst makes sense to you.
9. You can enjoy life, or get through it as fast as possible.

1. If you live in the suburbs why do you need mudtires?
2. Nice gun rack, it matches your laptop satchel.
3. Do you stop to put on chains on your commute into LA for work?
4. What cargo do you have living in suburbia?
5. Farm much?
6. People are just going to ask you to help them move.
7. Hauling a trailer just means that your problems at home follow you.
8. Keep all of the luxuries of home with you, as you escape the luxuries of home.
9. Four wheel drive in case the drive through is a little frosty.

Sports Cars:
1. Compensating much?
2. It’s only a crisis if what your buying won’t last until your fifties.
3. All that money for freedom, yet you’re still buckled in.
4. Parking spots aren’t made for you no matter how small your car is.
5. If you wanted leather seats why not stay home on the couch?
6. All that money and you now need to pay for four tire changes.
7. Feel the wind through your comb-over.

1. Not just another bike.
2. Higher standards.
3. A smarter ride.

1 comment:

  1. These are my favorite...


    5. No one wants to ride a pig. (I wonder if this would be even more appropriate for a Ducati since we call it a "Duc"... pronounced DUCK... but I like :-) )

    9. Just because you ride, people shouldn’t think that you have grandchildren.

    1. You spent your life becoming an adult why would you get back on a kids bike?
    2. Do you drink milk and play with GI Joes too?
    8. Do you want some streamers to put on your handlebars?

    Crotch Rockets:
    6. Some people aren’t built like ninjas.
    7. Where’s your sword?
    9. You can enjoy life, or get through it as fast as possible.

    Sports Cars:
    3. All that money for freedom, yet you’re still buckled in.


    2. Higher standards.
