
1 comment:

  1. On Umbro, typography needs to be bigger and bolder. Also, whenever you put text in a box, make sure you give it breathing room on the sides.

    I'm not sure how I feel about the hand holding the red card in the images. Especially with photos, it blends in. Maybe a more badge-looking piece that you slap on like a sticker. It should have some text on it. You've received a social penalty or something. JP?

    Be sure you change the URL (it says redbull)

    Sippy cup should be a party shot, no? Not a baby who legitimately needs a sippy cup…

    Same with color coordination. Not a bird, a hideous outfit.

    Again with Jukebox, maybe a bar pic from a night out. These current images are not doing your idea justice. They are too focused on replacing the bad point in the line in a very literal way. We don't ever actually have to see the jukebox. You should focus on what people are doing when they get carded.

    Umbro TV isn't adding value to your site (can't see anything there. Just the logo). How can you make this look way more interactive, like red bull did?

    Also, when you're working with Facebook, be sure you remove any comments not related to what you've done. In umbro tv, comments below are random and should be removed.
